On August 24th, 2015, Trillium Farms began originating the corn that is used to feed our flocks. This allows Trillium Farms to become even more involved with the agriculture community surrounding our farms. Trillium Farms contracts more than 12 billion bushels of corn per year in order to feed the hens that produce more than 3.65 billion eggs per year. We pride ourselves on being competitive in the grain market with our bids. We offer multiple different grain contracts in order to best meet your needs.
Please contact our Grain Originator Ashlee Cox to contract/sell corn to Trillium Farms.
Contact information: Cell phone 740-817-2984 Office location: Croton Feed Mill
You may also contact the Director of Grain Merchandising, Mike Keefer to contract/sell corn to Trillium Farms Cell Phone: 614-579-3161 E-mail: mkeefer@versova.com
Please contact the Grain Accountant, Jane Sarosy, for any account/payment questions or concerns. E-mail: jsarosy@tfohio.com
Corn can be sold to either our Croton or LaRue feedmill.
IMPORTANT! Please fill out our Producer Profile with your name, address, e-mail address, splits (if applicable) and bank information if you are requesting Direct Deposit as your method of payment.
Trillium Farms is now pleased to announce that we are offering AgVision Anytime. This program allows our corn producers to view and print reports on their scale tickets and contracts at any time! Producers can also receive original scale ticket information via text, email or both. Call/e-mail today to get signed up! The text messages and e-mails are sent within minutes of when the original scale ticket is entered (note: if there are changes made to the ticket, there is no update sent to the producer). Already have a username and password? Here you can view all of your records!
THANK YOU!Thank you to our loyal customers for the opportunity to serve your marketing needs. Our intent is to be a local market leader, provide flexible harvest hours as needed, issue payments on a daily basis and show an appreciation for your business in all areas. I am hopeful we are meeting your needs.
Please call, text, or e-mail with comments or suggestions; Mike Keefer at 614-579-3161 or mkeefer@versova.com